Tasks with kanban boards

Efficient collaboration with kanban-style task management.

Streamline your construction projects with our cutting-edge task management application, inspired by the proven success of kanban-style methodology. Designed to meet the unique demands of the construction industry, our application empowers your teams to effortlessly manage tasks, streamline workflows, and enhance collaboration.

Experience the benefits of real-time visibility, efficient resource allocation, and seamless teamwork as our task management application simplifies complex construction processes. Embrace flexibility and adaptability with the ability to swiftly respond to unexpected changes, ensuring your projects stay on track. Whether you're a small-scale builder or a large construction firm, our digital solution caters to your needs, offering remote access, data-driven insights, and a platform for continuous improvement.

Real-time collaboration

Communicate clearly task ownership, deadlines, and progress. In real-time, withou the hassle.

Workflow visibility

Seamless coordination with visual task representation and their progress.

Resource allocation

Prevent bottlenecks and promote a balanced distribution of resources.

Continuous improvement

Continuously improve by regularly reviewing and optimizing workflows.

BAUSW platform offers a large set of enterprise-grade features such as digital signatures, audit trail, or role-base access control.

Digital Signatures

Digital signatures made easy. Supports also digital certificates compliant with regulations.


Upload and share files, documentation and multimedia with your team.


Discuss important tasks and issues through built-in and secure commenting system.

Try BAUSW today for free

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